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What's Your Risk Number?

Each part of the Retire Well Road Map is defined by the many unique factors in your life — it’s a plan custom-built only for you. One of these factors is risk tolerance and your comfort level with risk (or lack of comfort). Finding your risk number is key to moving forward.

Risk Profile Questionnaire

Risk tolerance is an investor's general ability to withstand risk inherent in investing. The risk tolerance questionnaire is designed to determine your risk tolerance and is judged based on three factors: time horizon, long-term goals and expectations, and short-term risk attitudes. The adviser uses their own experience and subjective evaluation of your answers to help determine your risk tolerance. There is no guarantee that the risk assessment questionnaire will accurately assess your tolerance to risk. In addition, although the advisor may have directly or indirectly used the rest that the asset mix appropriately reflects your ability to withstand investment risk. The topic of this questionnaire will be used to determine a suggested asset allocation, there is no guarantee.